Meet The Team

We help our clients break free from chronic illness so that they can THRIVE in health and in life.


Founder, Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, FDN-P

Nicole is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, FDN-P, Holistic Nutritionist and founder of Ritter Functional Health. She began her own health and wellness journey six years ago to find answers to her own health problems. She has been able to completely reverse her debilitating migraines, chronic sinus infections, depression, anxiety and hormone imbalances. 

She became a FDN-P and Holistic Nutritionist so she could help her clients find the root cause(s) of their health issues, address those root causes and THRIVE in life and in health. 


Medical Director, MD, FACS

Dr. Dibos is a Board-Certified Cardiac Surgeon who developed an interest in nutrition and functional medicine after observing thousands of patients with advanced coronary disease and poor dietary habits.

Recognizing a clear correlation between diet and health, he sought assistance from Nicole for his own health concerns. Now, he is excited and honored to be part of the Ritter Functional Health team, where he can combine his background in heart and vascular pathology with holistic health practices to better serve clients.


Lead Practitioner, Clinical Nutritionist, Herbalist

Niki is an Integrative & Functional Health Practitioner and Herbalist with a Masters in Clinical Nutrition and Integrative Health. Currently a Doctor of Clinical Nutrition student, Niki embarked on this path following a rare autoimmune liver disease diagnosis. This personal health journey fueled a passion for integrative wellness, collaborative patient care, and a nutrition-first approach to health.

Specializing in gut and brain health, Niki is dedicated to helping clients achieve optimal health through personalized, holistic strategies. With a strong focus on identifying and addressing root causes, Niki empowers patients to take charge of their health and well-being.


FDN-P, Reiki Master, Herbalist

Brook’s journey into health coaching was sparked by a deeply personal battle with severe postpartum depression. This transformative experience ignited a passionate drive within her to support others, (particularly mothers) through their own wellness journeys. She specializes in areas close to her heart: motherhood, mental health, children's well-being, pain management, and skincare. 

Drawing on her expertise as a FDN-P, Reiki Master, and family home herbalist, she offers a holistic approach to healing. Her goal is to empower her clients to cultivate self-love and resilience as they navigate their paths to wellness.


Cliant Liason, FDN-P

Becky has a background in coaching and emotional healing, and is currently working to become a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. 

While struggling with health issues that numerous doctors could not address, she sought help from Nicole and within a matter of months her chronic issues were resolved. She was fascinated by everything that she learned about her body and knew that she wanted to help others heal and experience the same freedom. She is eager to help others heal from the physical impacts of chronic stress and trauma so that they can live freely and full of hope!


Research Asst., Social Media

Gabrielle is currently a graduate student of Nutrition & Integrative Health (MS) and a long-time wellness enthusiast. After struggling with her own health issues, she was inspired when she learned that the human body is designed to heal itself when it is provided with the proper tools. 

She is thrilled to pursue her passion for helping others move toward wellness. In her free time, Gabrielle likes to spend time in nature, create art, and whip up delicious, whole-food treats!

We are passionate about helping our clients find the root cause of their symptoms

We are honored to be able to guide our clients through their own health journeys so that they can finally live a life free of chronic illness. 

If you are sick of being told that your labs look "normal" or just being handed medication, you are in the right place. We can't wait to guide you on you healing journey.


Hi, I'm Nicole!

I am a Board Certified Holistic Health Pracitioner, Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Pracitioner, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Health and Life Coach. I consider myself a Health Detective.

I began my own health and wellness journey six years ago to find answers to my own health problems. I have been able to completely reverse my debilitating migraines, chronic sinus infections, depression, anxiety and hormone imbalances. 

I became a FDN-P and Holistic Nutritionist so I could help my clients find the root cause(s) of their health issues, address those root causes and THRIVE in life and in health.

No doctor could help me (trust me I went to over 10 different specialists and even went to a Functional Medicine Doctor who tried to push supplements on me without doing any lab work). Becoming an FDN and having access to functional labs literally changed my life, and I have devoted my life and my career to helping people change theirs. 

Everyone has a story, here's mine...

I grew up a very sick child. For as long as I can remember, I suffered from chronic migraines, sinus infections, irregular periods, anxiety and depression. I got every sickness under the sun. I constantly missed school and spent hours and even days in bed suffering from debilitating migraines. 

My parents did absolutely everything in their power to help me. They took me to every specialist under the sun, yet the "answer" was always medication. At one point I was on 7 different medications and felt like a zombie.

2017 was the year that changed my life. That was the year I found out I was living in a house with black mold and the same year I discovered Functional Medicine. 

I started researching and I didn't stop until I found answers. I was already a Certified Health Coach and I immediately enrolled in school to become a Holistic Nutritionist and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. I spent the next few years being my own lab rat. I tested different supplements, therapeutic diets and ran so many different labs and spend hours upon hours studying and researching. Finally I had actual answers to my health issues. 

After years of addressing my health from a functional and holistic approach, I can happily say that I am on ZERO medications and symptom free, living my happiest and healthiest life.

I know firsthand how helpless and defeating it can feel when you know something is wrong, but you can't get answer and nothing seems to be working. I want to offer help, support and guidance so you can live a life free of symptoms. 


Additional Coursework

  • Designs for Health Dietary Supplement Specialist Course

  • FDN Advanced Hormone Course

  • Mold Illness Made Simple

  • FDN Advanced Blood Chemistry Course

  • FDN Advanced Thyroid Course

  •  FDN Advanced Heart Wellness Course

  • Kendra Perry's HTMA Masters Course

  • Rick Fischer's Mineral Mastery

Hi, I'm Ryan!


Ryan Monahan is a “health detective” residing outside of Boulder, CO with a passion for uncovering the hidden stressors that contribute to thyroid malfunction. Ryan spent over 10 years visiting more than 40 health professionals to find answers to his chronic health complaints until being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2012. His mission is to change the dialogue about chronic disease towards a holistic, functional approach.

Ryan is a Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, FDN-P and Certified AIP Coach. 

Learn more about Ryan here

Hi, I'm Becky!

Several years ago I found myself in and out of the doctor’s office searching for reasons as to why my body was breaking down. After endless blood draws, ultrasounds, scans, biopsies and thousands of dollars spent, I was left with zero answers. The best my doctor could offer were extreme measures that would have resulted in losing my fertility, and I knew that it wasn’t the right choice for me. There had to be a reason all of this was happening and there had to be a better way to resolve it.

I sought help from Nicole and within a matter of months the chronic issues I was having were resolved. My depression had lifted, excess weight was falling off of me, my reproductive system healed, my body was functioning as it should and I felt a sense of hope that had been absent for years. I was fascinated by everything I was learning about my body and knew that I wanted to help others heal and experience the same freedom.

I have a background in coaching and emotional healing, and I am currently working to become a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. I am honored to be working alongside some of the absolute best in this field, and I am eager to help others heal from the physical impacts of chronic stress and trauma so that they can live freely and full of hope!